
to noble kommunikation, a top marketing communications agency specialized in travel + tourism located in the Greater Frankfurt area. On our web pages we relay the scope our services and the experience of our award-winning team. The Media & Content Rooms provide ample news and background information, not only for media representatives. Our other pages are also designed to provide added value to our partners.

We look forward to a dialogue with you – by email, via our social media channels or personally.

The noble kommunikation team.

our client service

Our boutique agency's full service-portfolio includes consulting, public relations, social media and marketing services. We specialize in travel + tourism, while reaching media and stakeholders beyond the industry.

We do it the noble way!

our media service

Our Media + Content Rooms are designed as a noble service primarily for media representatives in the German-speaking markets. Accordingly press releases, fact sheets and other features are written in German. English language information is highlighted, wherever available.

noble added value

We aim to provide added value to clients, the media and trade partners. Here you will find our English newsletter noble insight with facts and trends from Germany.  In German we feature our “noble praxistipps” on current topics and “noble@media” with coverage on members of our agency.

Latest News


Oceania Cruises führt „Your World Included“ ein

Oceania Cruises® führt mit „Your World Included™“ ein neues Paket an inkludierten Annehmlichkeiten für alle Kreuzfahrten ein. Dieses beinhaltet Trinkgelder für die Crew, alle Speisen (auch in der Kabine), das Essen in allen Spezialitätenrestaurants, Softdrinks, Säfte, Kaffeespezialitäten und Tees, Vero Water®, Smoothies, Gourmet-Eiscreme, unbegrenztes Starlink® WLAN, Gruppenfitnesskurse und Wäscheservice. Die aktualisierten Inklusivleistungen gelten für alle neuen Buchungen ab dem 1. Oktober 2024 für Reisen ab dem 1. Januar 2025.



Neue Grusel-Attraktionen bei United Parks & Resorts: Das Halloween-Special Howl-O-Scream ist wieder da

Vom 6. September bis zum 2. November können Besucher von SeaWorld Orlando, SeaWorld San Diego und Busch Gardens Tampa Bay an ausgewählten Abenden beim legendären Howl-O-Scream ihren Mut beweisen. Neben den bekannten Highlights bieten die Parks auch in diesem Jahr neue Attraktionen für den maximalen Gruselfaktor.



Our clients
